Pioners en el diagnòstic per la imatge de la dona
Som el primer centre de Barcelona en implementar la combinació
de l’ecografia i la mamografia.
Els nostres estudis de mama estan dirigits a la prevenció i detecció a través de tècniques d’imatge mèdica excel·lents, punteres i eficients. Tres de cada deu casos de càncer de mama es detecten a les fases primerenques, on el tumor és més fàcil de tractar i es compta amb un ventall més ampli de possibilitats d’erradicar-lo.
Comptem amb un equip mèdic especialitzat en imatge mamària, que dóna una atenció propera i totalment personalitzada.
Gracias a los grandes avances técnicos del sector, hoy en día somos capaces de obtener imágenes de gran calidad de las estructuras pélvicas femeninas para detectar patologías o malformaciones uterinas, entre otras afectaciones.
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.
Determinar nuestra Densidad Mineral Ósea (DMO) es esencial para prevenir el riesgo de sufrir fracturas por osteoporosis, así como detectar cambios estructurales que traen fragilidad a los huesos.
Nuestros densitómetros son de baja radiación y calculan la densidad de los huesos en diferentes puntos del esqueleto.
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.
Durante el embarazo, es importante llevar a cabo pruebas diagnósticas para identificar la presencia de posibles defectos congénitos en el feto o bien factores de riesgo maternos que pueden requerir controles estrictos a lo largo de la gestación. El diagnóstico precoz tiene un papel fundamental para avanzarnos a las circunstancias.
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.
Los estudios de imagen antes y después de un procedimiento estético son los grandes aliados para una mejor planificación del tratamiento, así como para el control de los resultados.
3D MAMMOGRAPHY BY TOMOSYNTHESISWith mammograms we detect small tumors and other breast ailments early. When do I have to have a mammogram? Faced with abnormal breast symptoms, such as palpable nodules, skin or nipple retraction to, discharge ... Annually from the age of 40 or, in case of family history, from 35.
BREAST SONOGRAPHYIt is a complementary technique to mammography, not a replacement, which is usually combined with this and physical examination to get a more detailed diagnosis of breast cancer. It is a technique based on ultrasound, painless and without ionized radiation. We use it as an initial study technique in symptomatic women under 35, in pregnant women, in mastectomized women or with inflammatory pathologies. And as a complementary mammography technique when this has been negative, despite a palpable lesion, when there are risk factors, as well as to detect if an abnormality is benign or cancerous.